All vehicle occupants should follow the COVID safe guidelines. There is no specific guidelines for wedding car operators or drivers however we follow the guidance set out for taxi's and private hire vehicles.
- If you are travelling by taxi, aside from the driver, it is advisable to limit who you travel with to people in your household or support bubble. You can travel in a group of up to 6 people from a number of households or a group of any size from no more than 2 households unless you are travelling for a reason that is exempt.
- Even after you have received a vaccine, you should continue to apply safety measures, by wearing a face covering and adhering to social distancing guidance, when using taxis or private hire vehicles.
- You must wear a face covering when using taxis or private hire vehicles. You will be breaking the law if you fail to do so and could be fined. A taxi driver or private hire vehicle operator will be entitled to refuse to accept you if you do not wear a face covering, unless you are exempt from this requirement.
- You should stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre while wearing a face covering.
- Follow the advice of the operator and driver. For example, you may be asked to sit in the back left-hand seat if travelling alone. You may want to check with your taxi or private hire operator before travelling if they have put any additional measures in place.
- Be aware of the surfaces you touch. Be careful not to touch your face. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
- When finishing your journey, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible.
We would kindly request that hands are sanitised before and after entering the vehicle. Hand sanitisers will be provided.
Where possible windows will remain open sufficiently to allow for ventilation.
Our car was fitted from new with a glass division between the driver and rear compartment. For everybodys safety this will be raised for the duration of the hire allowing the rear compartment to be completely separated from the driving compartment. For additional safety we will also be temporarily removing the use of the front passenger seat from the bridal party, unfortunately this will reduce the passenger capacity to only 5 people.
Our car will only be available for one booking per day to allow for suitable santisation of surfaces before and after each booking.
If you have any additional requirements for your personal satisfaction, please do let us know so we can help to ease any worries and concerns you have during these difficult times. We are committed to letting your big day run as smoothly and worry free as possible.